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✞ Dad of 6. Working on tech projects with my kids. Twitter @ryanfinlay

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Pending home sales now lower than Covid and 2008. The whole market is dependent on taxpayer subsidized artificially low interest rates. Those are gone and millions of homeowners aren’t moving because they got a super low mortgage rate and their house payment would double if they moved. So we are getting a slow decline in prices as boomer houses are slowly dripping into the market. (boomer generation owns almost 40% of US homes) The only way this changes is if we get massive money printing or a huge drop in home prices. This is all the doing of the federal reserve breaking our money and creating these huge boom/bust cycles. These cycles will only get worse until we get rid of the federal reserve and return to non fiat money that can’t be printed.)

I had the privilege of witnessing episode 10 with my three boys and our friend Josh this past week. It was one of the most awesome things we’ve ever witnessed. It’s easy to take events like this for granted, and even take our time with friends and family for granted as well. 🤙 Video by Elijah Finlay

From the beginning humans were given the freedom to obey God and the freedom to rebel against God. Do you remember what Satan told Eve in the garden about the consequences of rebellion? He said you certainly will not die! Our culture in the United States over the past four decades in particular has been one marked by open rebellion against God. The anthem that is continually sung along with the rebellion is that there will be no consequences to the rebellion! Even nature laughs at this foolishness! As if there will be no consequence to action even though the natural world is entirely made ... See more

Our family went on an adventure yesterday to see the eruption. It was breathtaking to put it mildly! 

We came over to Kilauea to watch episode nine of the Halema'uma'u eruption. Absolutely spectacular!

18 years ago Candice and I moved out to the Big Island when Moses and Elijah were 18 months and 6 months old. This place will always have a special place in our hearts. 🧡

States that are working on Bitcoin reserve type legislation. Also, the Federal Reserve said today they see no problem with banks offering bitcoin custody services. All banks will custody bitcoin for their customers within a few years now that they are free to do so. Those who don't will lose customers, which will incentivize all of them to offer the services. Gradually then suddenly. Graph by Julian Fahrer (

Few of my photos from Depoe Bay recently. Such a beautiful place on the Oregon Coast!

Our family really enjoys this show and the latest season started over the weekend.